Episode #4: What's a Jewish Response to Crisis?

Person sitting against wall with head between legs in moment of crisis

Discussing the events at Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas, where an armed attacker took four hostages, including the rabbi. We ask: "What's a Jewish response in a moment of crisis," and look at the idea of "Spiritual Pre-hab."

  • [00:00] - Introduction

  • [01:38] - Unity of coverage, Near-universal shared experience

  • [02:45] - How thought-pieces and analyses are understandable

  • [03:20] - The human need to ask “Why did this happen?” and the example of the 9/11 commission

  • [04:40] - The rise in disciplines that answer big questions: “Who am I? What am I supposed to do? What does this mean about the world in which we live?”

  • [05:28] - How do Jews respond in these moments?

  • [05:50] - The Hebrew prayer for releasing captives - Matir Asurim

  • [06:30] - From metaphor to reality

  • [08:40] - Disorientation in prayer and discovering that evil is something that actually exists

  • [12:55] - Spiritual “Pre-Hab”

  • [14:12] - The tension in Jewish spirituality between routine and freshness


Episode #5: Why is Judaism called “Judaism”? (Is it an Ethnicity? A Nationality?)


Episode #3: Is Judaism a Religion? (Part II)